Quality translation from one language into another
What is meant by a quality translation from one language into another? If you are a professional, it should go without saying that you want a flawlessly and professionally translated text. With the present market offering free translators and translation tools on the Internet, an increasing number of users are opting for easily available and free-of-charge translation services.
However, what linguists find to be the most conspicuous thing about these texts are errors in gender, case, and tense agreement, as well as grammatical and semantic mistakes.
A semantic mistake most commonly implies an incorrect choice of words with respect to their meaning. In English, like in many other languages, a lot of words have more than one meaning.
One can hardly expect a long-term sustainable service from automated software translators. Let us call to mind some recent scandals made public, involving the highest government officials and their use of software translators without proofreading. Namely, when the program selects an offered solution among the existing ones, it is not able to predict the appropriate textual context, but only to choose one of the options at random. The point is, a computer may choose a word of a completely inappropriate meaning, which alters the whole given context and misses the point of the text. Therefore, for instance, a semantic mistake made in relation to the key word in the text may result in a completely wrong translation. Of course, an automated text translation can certainly save time and other resources as a short-term solution.
A linguist, on the other hand, closely follows the context, searches for and examines all the meanings of a particular word, and, together with an expert associate from the given field, translates the text. The result of this is a correct translation, which is crucial for the user.
It is on you whether you will choose a professional agency for translation to and from Serbian, English, and German, or a nonprofessionally translated text. And we guarantee you quality.
Ana Todorović Radetić, CEO of Prevodioci.co.rs