22. January 2025.
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Mind Map: MAKE or DO?

When I was a student of the English language and literature I found it very confusing and difficult to learn (usually by heart) the use of the two verbs: MAKE or DO. We were given lists and handouts and were expected to learn everything… So, was it boring?  – – – The answer is: YES!!!

In recent years, I’ve been trying to make it simpler or (I hope) a bit more interesting and eye-catching both for my students and me. Does our brain like lists without pictures? The answer is: —– NO!!! In the vocabulary mind map above you can enjoy yourselves looking at the drawings and your brain will memorize more quickly and more eagerly the use of the two verbs.

I remember I was not sure whether to say: make your bed or do your bed? Whether to say: make damage or do damage?

If you look up the verbs in a dictionary, guess what – the lists are endless! If you browse through the Internet, again, the lists are never-ending when it comes to MAKE and DO.

I’ve shortened the list, (it’s still intermediate level) and made a mind map.

I guess you’ll like it and it’ll help you in the learning process. (Thank you, Tony Buzan for inventing them!

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